What awaits us in the near future?

Che cosa ci aspetta nel prossimo futuro?

What awaits us in the near future?

Not even 60 days have passed since the end of 2020, after a January with an infinite flavor and a fast February, that the Coronavirus seems to be already far from all our thoughts.
Let's not make fun of, we all know that we are not experiencing it with the right anxiety and concern for the historical moment in which we are and that compared to almost 365 days ago, we are on average more peaceful.
We listen to the news on the news without that punch in the stomach, we are interested in politics without understanding a dry fig, but above all we push ourselves on the banks of medicine with simplicity, investing a degree that we will never take, but that we consider passing for true through social networks
Yet, outside, on the street, even the most attentive, forgets at least once the mask, lowers it for a few seconds, perhaps to sneeze, trust her family or does like Merkel, who forgets it in an institutional encounter.
But don't worry, all in the norm.
In fact, while the Sole24ore shows us the data of the vaccine, underlining that at this speed, 70% of the Italian population will be vaccinated by September 2024, we live in hopes.
From a cultural heritage, we wait for someone to come to save us, perhaps to bring us back with the feet to the ground, but we cannot hope that the manna from the sky takes to save us.
And therefore, what will happen in the coming months?
Certainly I cannot know, let alone I can start making the guideline, but I like to imagine on the balconies of the house to sunbathe with a basin of fresh water and ice for our feet, while the air conditioning manufacturers manufacturers They earn on our sweat and the ozone hole expands to kill us all.
But if we want to be positive, of course not from a Covid point of view, we must refer to a great effort that we Italian citizens, we must put ourselves.
Let me explain, while I await September 2024 for the vaccine, having no pre-emption, it is important that those rules that we now know by heart and that they are recalled in our mind with the music of the Lockdown advertising, are followed in an unreachable way.
We all know that washing your hands is not the favorite sport by the average citizen and that according to some studies, in the peanuts of an aperitif at the bar, there is a high rate of "dirt" (so as not to go into detail), but I consider it The neural activation compared to this activity taught at nursery schools is simple.
Not to mention the mask, an accessory now considered to "fashion", but which becomes not very functional because it is annoying. I still have to ask myself if the inconvenience of the mask or the inconvenience of not breathing adequately is better.
But let's go on with the distance of "security". It is true, in the guide you cannot keep it and the darrow risk is even before the "around the corner", but while on the street of Damascus, our beloved San Paolo found the faith, on the street of the city center, at that distance , you would find Covid. It is not difficult, if you think the distance is too much, convince yourself that it is not
never enough.
Here is what awaits us in recent months, infinite episodes of Barbara D'Urso who will underline how much he did for our country in terms of defense against Covid, politicians who will fight trying to understand if the health of people is directly or inversely proportional to the Economy of the country and such a confusion that will seriously lead us to use the masks even in the shower.
In short, are you ready to continue not to understand much?
I, dear reader, for my part, can humbly ask you to be careful.
In the latter, there is your health, our family's health, our work, our walks, our travels, our rights, our life.
Maybe we forgot as it was before and we are getting used to it, but if you have a beard too long at the moment or the nails that are about to cut all the socks, the time has come to take their responsibilities and follow the rules.
Finally, one last warning comes ... Covid kills. Do not forget.

Author: Luigi Sprovieri


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