Wolves on ... Nike

Wolves on… NIKE

It will be the first days of the championship, but the red blue team of our city, from the first minute of the first challenge, started making us dream ... and we do not stop losing our breath at the mere view of the descent on the field!
This year, in fact, the Cosenza team is preparing to be reborn and shine, bringing with it the consent of many fans who slaughter her far and wide and unwittingly scream the size of the wolves and the Calabrian city loudly. Rivers of people never tire of following the city colors in nearby and distant regions, and then finds themselves in the legendary stadium named after our beloved champion Gigi Marulla to rejoice and cheer again and again, without effort. But Cosenza is not showing greatness and rebirth only at the level of the game, but tries to establish themselves also in the choice of important collaborations, those that are worth for a few and that stopped, until recently
Before the start of this 2022/2023 championship in Ascoli Piceno and Benevento.
Why do I say this? The wings of Nike, finally, also arrived in the city of the Bruzi. This strategic move, better than a winning formation of a game at the end of the championship, has once again led Cosenza to be talked about, confirming its greatness not only on a football level, but also stylistic.
As already underlined, the US multinational brand had already landed in Serie B, but the signature on Cosenza, allow me to say it, makes everything even more perfect.
With an agreement with Oro Sport Line, Top Account Nike Team, the playing material from playing, trainingAnd representation, from the first team to the youth and female sector, will be by Nike.
If the Cosenza race was so unique, it must certainly be recognized also in the long collaboration with Legea, which however leaves room for a new way of living this reality and "our" team of the heart. Red, blue and golden the protagonists of this year, which recall the team
Genaana, the oldest in Italy and the first to win the Scudetto, almost as a warning for a year that we hope is stellar.
We are now far from the first white combination with black writing of the team at the dawn, far from the green and blue of a growing team, but the field is fighting at full speed, with maturity and straight towards the goal as the separation line between The colors of the upper part of the new uniform.
That it is clearly a turning point for Cosenza, not only for players or fans, is evident, because everything that is great and new, can only be a good omen for such a beautiful reality. This team, strong and beloved bulwark opens at a higher level, that of these days that is making us live, with strength, determination and a great desire to fly high, just like the Nike, goddess of victory. ... and never like today: Wolves on Fire Nike!



Luigi Sprovieri


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