Open or not open?

Aprire o non aprire?

Open or not open?



And while we ask ourselves what color will our region be, the Hamletic question of 2021 always remains the same: to be or not to be ... free? This is the dilemma.


And while in our hands the skull remains of those who left behind because of our negligence, on the other we go on along the streets of our city, lowering the mask between one breath and the other, with the excuse of a cigarette, of a bearded scratch or a greeting to a friend who did not immediately recognize us.


And while Lukako is elected God of Italian football and the Inter world fills Piazza Duomo in Milan, leaving the teams in the standings behind, but also the anti-covid standards, one wonders obsessively: "The curfew will remain at 10 pm?"


Impossible not to notice how new and even more absurd, in some ways, this 2021, quick promoter of poisonous comments for each political choice, for the regulatory proposals that give space to respect the other, for the term "censorship" that we did not know "Before May 1st" and for the term "catcalling" that we pretended not to understand between a whistle and an improper comment.


But then the question continues to resonate in our mind, again and again, changing, however, structure and form: can we really say that we are not free?


We become revolutionaries by commenting on Facebook, sometimes managing to get around the moral rules (and not only); Let's go home after 10 pm because we have already encouraged the excuse if they stop at a checkpoint; We go out for a walk because "you can't always stay at home"; We meet for the parties with relatives, because we are so joined (and then we infect ourselves).


We are already free, but we choose to blame the rule that we should follow, "blaming it" for the sole taste of justifying our behaviors.

We are free but we prefer to pass the time to baste apologies from the scent of mitigating actors.


And while I write this reflection, I am aware of not referring to everyone ever, but only to those who preferred not to follow the rules, in order not to lose their "freedom", while others have been removed personal dignity, depriving them of work and (perhaps) of their future.


I turn to all of you, none excluded:


Reflect on the question that we have asked ourselves initially, to try to understand if to date we are really looking for freedom or if we are only looking for tricks that can justify our inertia. We are children of incredible dreamers, unforgettable for deeds and culture, yet we prefer to sit, ignorant, waiting, rather than wearing the helmet and throwing ourselves in the trenches to fight.

But then should we not feel free in fighting one next to the other to reconstruct together? We should not spend our time by reconstructing that same freedom, remembering that at the basis of the "new", can only be the commitment of men with a common goal?

We will be free when we manage to sweat for our common good, remembering to put it before each of our single need.


But moreover, you can consider yourself free, if you feel free ... is it only you?



Luigi Sprovieri


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