The red area of ​​the economy


The red area of ​​the economy
A change from the name "2021"

The new DPCM of Giuseppe Conte, read and shared with all of us in the last month of 2020, has
Bring confusion again to the minds of the Italians. It has been since May 4, 2020 that, in fact,
The population of the boot is dealing with events in which fear for one's health
And fear of losing what you have and possesses, peek with strength and dismay. To not
speak, then, of a strong and continuous confusion, due to the indication of areas with a different color
And from the rules that do not remain, and then so too long, the same.
These last weeks, after the connection with the Prime Minister, in fact, the holidays are
have been dotted with different (non -Christmas) colors and large shadow areas.
What is not possible to identify is why the choice of the state to maintain a tight
so little strong, or to be defined as swinging, after a year dotted with increasing numbers e
deaths. To pay the consequences, in the thousand areas affected dangerously, we also find the
trade; If on the one hand the owners of commercial chains manage to go on
By making the most of the periods in which the activity can remain open, private individuals are able to
keep the shutter raised and from an economic and psychological point of view, to pay the
consequences, it is always the Italians.
We cannot stop to evaluate the work of the government, but the Italian panorama, to date, shows
A distrust of a thousand gaps in government choices. There is no doubt that one
World Pandemia is not the topic of daily treatment except when you live a
situation of this caliber. But of the considerations, despite being obvious, are due.
Italian public debt, clearly higher than that of some European countries, such as ad
Example Germany has shown a total closure impossibility in these holidays, since
The economy would have paid the consequences excessively and stronger than in March 2020.
The principle of subsidiarity that Italy could have exploited to the best, however, found
some hitches in the gears and has not favored, in the most appropriate way, the distribution of
help throughout the territory. It is simple to detect the fact that some categories such as the
VAT matches, they were more affected by this second wave and by the missed order, but
Every Italian citizen, he noted, who more who less, a concrete loss, in the portfolio and in the
life of every day.
But if on the one hand the population is afraid and tries to follow the rules, between a mask
lowered and the other, a disinfectant to the door of each activity and the thermometer that measures the
temperature in a somewhat relative way, continues to run, albeit very/too slowly,
the economy. In these Christmas holidays, different from those we have always known, the
people also threw themselves on the street, even if the numbers were clearly lower
to the past years. To pay the consequences are the shops and shopkeepers again, who between
inhuman efforts and those aid never arrived from the state, they tried to attack and win this
Crisis, referring to the unfortunately the latest economic resources left in their speakers.
But we are in a new year, a 2021 that goes down in history to be that of change, to
95% if we talk about vaccine, but 100% if we talk about the desire to start again. The government,
nell’attuazione di un piano di ricrescita e dopo le parole del Presidente della Repubblica nella sera

del 31 dicembre, è chiamato a ritrovare quella voglia e quello sforzo utili per una rinascita, che
l’Italia, come Paese e nazione amata in tutto il mondo, ha sempre affrontato a testa alta dopo un
moment of crisis.
Of course, we are all judges of the work of the powerful Italian politicians, but we are the first to do not
respect, in the totality, the rules created for us and we demand that "everything is immediately" is the only one
Law to follow in this great confusion of DPCM and ordinances. In this 2021, we are
called to be responsible, just as President Mattarella underlined, making us
I realize that the unexpected consequences of this virus, to date, can depend even before
We, who from the "built" ad hoc rules for the Italian population.
We will return to the streets to walk, live and make the economy turn, looking at each other with greater
be careful in the eyes, but only after dealing with our responsibilities and our innate
duty of citizens.


Luigi Sprovieri


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